The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

- Albert Einstein

You have a sizzling vision and a solid plan yet you still feel stuck. Are you ready to try something new and be on your growing edge?

This is where training and coaching can help you pivot and take off. You might be stuck because the old way of doing things is not working. Getting stuck is a moment to truly pause and redirect.  We can help you move toward inspired action through self-reflection and tapping your inner-power. The stakes are too high today to not carve out time to be an empowered leader. Organizations often invest in programs and products, not realizing that by investing in people, they will ultimately have the best programs and products. Our trainings and coaching support you to re-think how you are doing your work support you to powerfully put your plans into action.

Be Transformative

People are the ultimate drivers of deep and lasting change. Therefore individuals must also transform and evolve to align with their vision for change. Our transformative approach supports leaders to “be the change” you want to create in the world. We do so by working with all three domains of human systems: (1) hearts and minds; (2) behavior; and (3) structures. These three domains continually reinforce each other and tend to keep individuals and organizations on their growing edge (open to change) or in a static state (resistant to change).

We provide coaching, workshops and retreats to support you and your team to be self-reflective, transformative leaders who can manifest the changes you envision through deep practice. In all of our workshops and trainings we support you and your team to be Fearless, Abundant and Bold (FAB) as you put what you are learning into action. We ensure that essential personal, cultural and organizational shifts take place so that great plans and tools don’t get put on the shelf.

Media Sutra provides a personalized coaching program specifically tailored to your goals, visions and needs. All of this guided by our unique FAB Framework, moving you to be fearless, be abundant and be bold.


Being fearless is not about living and leading in the absence of fear. Instead, it means exactly what the word says — you simply fear less.  To be fearless is to feel the fear and do it anyway, and with each step forward you fear less and less. Once you become fearless, your life becomes limitless.


Being abundant requires shifting your inner narrative from one of scarcity to one of prosperity. You will get clear on what you truly want, fearlessly ask for what you deserve, map strategic action steps, and receive. You will live and lead like abundance is your birthright and shift from surviving to thriving.


Being bold in pursuit of your vision warrants you to develop mastery in creatively telling your most authentic and inspiring story to make a profound difference. Be bold about claiming and taking up space so that you are seen, felt, heard and validated.


Our team is trained in methodologies that we bring to our work:

  • The Empowerment Model
  • Breakdown to Breakthrough
  • Embodied Leadership
  • Resiliency Map
  • Art of Transformative Consulting
  • Positive Inquiry, and more

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