As members of the South Asian diaspora, many of us are simultaneously thriving upon the foundation of the strength, courage and sacrifice of those who came before us and healing from the generational traumas of colonization, indentured servitude, immigration, forced migration and systemic oppression related to race, gender, class, caste, colorism, sexuality, and more.
We invite you to join us for a transformative journey as we share experiences, learn concrete strategies, and embody new ways of being that moves us toward deeper understanding and love for ourselves and our communities.
Retreat Venue & Offerings
We will gather at Westerbeke Ranch, a place to connect, create, and celebrate. Built in the 1930’s, it nestles amid stately oaks, surrounded by rolling grass hills and vineyards in Sonoma’s Valley of the Moon. The retreat center experience includes walking the garden paths, warming your hands in front of the crackling “walk-in” stone fireplace, lounging by the sapphire pool, and scrumptious meals. The experience will also include some pampering and healing body work to unwind, recalibrate and center wellness.
WHEN: August 14-17, 2023
Westerbeke Ranch Sonoma, CA

Is This Retreat for You?
- Are you seeking to reconnect to your roots and deepen into healing from ancestral trauma that lives in your body, mind, heart and spirit?
- Are you ready to live your best life by breaking generational patterns that show up as anxiety, stress, workaholism, control, perfectionism, martyrdom, etc.?
- Are you inspired to live a life by design versus by default by identifying your passion, purpose and true calling?
- Would you value a beloved community of people with shared ancestry and experiences to move through a collective process towards restoration and wellness?
Our Work Together
- Deepened awareness of your ancestral lineage and evolving identity as a part of the South Asian Diaspora
- Clarity on your purpose, passion, and true calling
- Release trauma, limiting narratives and ways of being that no longer serve you
- Cultivate new practices and ways of being that align with your true calling and support ongoing healing and transformation
- Identify actionable steps towards becoming the best version of you, living an inspired and purpose-driven life that is rooted in wellness, joy and freedom
What is the South Asian Diaspora?
A diaspora is a population that is scattered across regions which are separate from its geographic place of origin. Diaspora comes from the root word for seed and like seeds we are scattered across the globe due to migration, colonization, indentured servitude, and more. The South Asian diaspora consists of people who have some heritage in South Asia, which includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The South Asian diaspora can be found anywhere, but in especially high numbers in the United States, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Suriname, Fiji, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, the United Kingdom.
Your Co-Facilitator & Co-Host

Jessy’s Story
My parents immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts from Kerala, India in the 1970s. I am the oldest of six children. I am an attorney, equity practitioner, and dialogue facilitator. I enjoy bringing people together to build community, understanding and connection across our many differences. I am exploring how our generational trauma continues to impact us in profound ways and how we might be part of healing ourselves and one another. As bell hooks wrote, “rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion”. I am committed to becoming more free and helping others to do the same.
Taij’s Story
I am a product of a Double Diaspora. My ancestors were brought from South Asia to work on the sugar plantations in the British colony of Guyana after the abolition of slavery. In the 70’s, after my father passed when I was a baby, my mom migrated to Canada and later to the US to pursue a path of self determination while fleeing political and economic instability. I am an immigrant, artist, cultural worker, and entrepreneur supporting BIPOC communities to heal, transform, live their best lives, and build solidarity for social justice. I am inspired by the words of Guyanese poet, Martin Carter: “I do not sleep to dream, but dream to change the world.” For me, this means that the world is not changeable without the power of imagination to envision, embody and actualize a new world.

Values Statement
We will co-create a space and community that is warm, inclusive, and welcoming. People of a diversity of racial and ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic classes, gender identities, sexualities, spiritualities and more will be in attendance. We will ask all participants to honor and respect the cultures, identities, experiences, and belief systems in the group. We will expect and accept differences, and where there is conflict, we will work together to resolve the conflict with love and respect for one another at the center.
Next Steps
Please fill out this application form so that we can learn more about you and your interest in this experience. Jessy and Taij will reach out after receiving your application to share next steps, including payment information.
COST: The cost of the program, inclusive of lodging and food, is $2950. Full payment is due by March 31, 2023 to secure your spot. If you would like to take advantage of our early bird pricing, the early bird cost is $2650 with full payment due by January 15, 2023.
Please reach out to with any questions.